
PointerStickisaportabletoolthatpresentsontheWindowsDesktopavirtualpointerstick,forexample,forpresentationstohighlightthecurrentmouse ...,2023年10月5日—PointerStickmodifiesthemousearrowtoappearasavirtualpointerstick.Thisishelpfulforpresentationstohighlightcontentandthe ...,DownloadPointerStick4.01forWindowsPortabletoolthatpresentsontheWindowsDesktopavirtualpointerstick.,DownloadPointerStick6.35...

Download PointerStick

PointerStick is a portable tool that presents on the Windows Desktop a virtual pointer stick, for example, for presentations to highlight the current mouse ...


2023年10月5日 — PointerStick modifies the mouse arrow to appear as a virtual pointer stick. This is helpful for presentations to highlight content and the ...

PointerStick 4.01 for Windows

Download PointerStick 4.01 for Windows Portable tool that presents on the Windows Desktop a virtual pointer stick.

PointerStick 6.35 Download

Download PointerStick 6.35 Windows Freeware, the official download page for PointerStick from the developer page.

PointerStick 6.35 Virtual pointer stick on your Windows ...

PointerStick is a freeware tool that presents on the Windows Desktop a virtual pointer stick, for example for Presentations! Or to highlight the current ...

PointerStick 6.35 免安裝中文版

PointerStick 6.35 免 ... 下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p ... PointerStick is a portable tool that presents on the Windows Desktop a virtual pointer stick ...

PointerStick 6.35 免安裝中文版

PointerStick 是一款專為講座簡報設計的免費虛擬滑鼠指揮棒軟體。這款軟體能夠將您的滑鼠游標轉化為一個引人注目的超大虛擬指揮棒,絕對能夠吸引聽眾的注意力。

PointerStick v6.35 繁體中文版

PointerStick 是一款可將滑鼠游標變成簡報指揮棒的免費軟體,免安裝。這款虛擬簡報指揮棒會隨著滑鼠游標移動,而且可以調整大小、樣式、顏色和透明度。


5 天前 — PointerStick 是一款可將滑鼠游標變成簡報指揮棒的免費軟體,免安裝。這款虛擬簡報指揮棒會隨著滑鼠游標移動,而且可以調整大小、樣式、顏色和透明度 ...